We discoverd new slopes, developed new tracks and came all the way up to Sakornia with our Snowcats. In March we had our first ParkSession as warm temperatures made
freeriding on two days quite difficult. However, the international groups proved to be very good freeskiers as well.
Over all we had freeriders from Austria, Canada, China, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, the US and Usbekistan.
Unfortunately we were not able to arange with Georgian authorithis an aggreement to invest into our own lodge. We tried hard and finally in September had to accept the fact, that we will not get any property to do so.
We rented a basic stone cottage and started imediately to renovate and invest into a winter use. It was a lot of work and too much to finish finish in time. However, a lot of friends and volunteers made it finally possible.
In 8 containers we places the team, bathrooms and a sauna.
The first mattresses came 3 hours before the first group, the Sherpa snowmobile 8 days after the last group. In between we have managed to get all machines ready to
drive, finish the sauna and get the shower water warm.
Through Mamuka we have had weekly fresh trout deliveries. Nestan has prepared new local foods like Burano for us. Bacho has outdone himself with balanced menus and
shashlik. Of course always homemade bread and Chatchapuri from Eto.
With Nasi we have always kept it nice and clean and Rezo was looking after the fire.
Fotoobjekt der Saison waren definitiv unsere Vierbeiner. Unsere FreerideDogs sind fotogen und aktiv. Kaum hat jemand Felle aufgezogen warem sie im Start und kennen die Berge jetzt besser als jeder andere.
Es war eine schwierige Saison mit warmen Temperaturen, relativ wenig Schnee und grossen organisatorischen Herausforderungen. Zuätzlich hat uns die unsichere rechtliche Situation schwer zu schaffen gemacht.
Am Ende der Saison wissen wir noch nicht, ob wir nächsten Winter unser Projekt fortsetzen können. Es wäre schade um all unsere Arbeit, das tolle Team und für alle die gern wiederkommen wollen.
Wie dem auch sei und wo auch immer, wir werden weitermachen und powderproject.ch ist schon wieder in den Startlöchern für ein neues Projekt...